Beyond giving feedback through Rhabit, you can offer suggestions to your company too. These suggestions can be in regards to things like the new coffee maker in the kitchen. You can also make your company aware of things that you believe are currently going wrong.

The Send a Suggestion button lives in the What’s Happening section of your dashboard, near High Fives. To give a suggestion, click on that button and enter your suggestion in the text box. Below the text box, you will see ‘I want a follow up’ as an option. Checking this box will link your name to it and allow for the recipient of this suggestion to respond directly to you. Leaving this box unchecked means your suggestion will be completely anonymous. If a suggestion is anonymous, your company cannot see your name.
The people that receive your suggestions are chosen by your company. They are typically HR managers. They are the only people that see your suggestions.
Again, your suggestions are completely anonymous unless you choose to receive a follow-up.